Calculator tools

How could you use these tools?

If I can drive at 95km/hr on average, how far can I get in 16 hours of driving?
Click on calculate >> distance
Fill in 95 km/hr and 16 hours. This will give you 1520 km or 944 mile of distance.
Exponential growth of virus COVID-19 in USA
Click on calculate >> exponential
There were 1714 people infected in the US on 15 March 2020, and over 100.000 14 days later.
If I practice my violin for 3 hours every day, how long until I reach (Gladwell's) 10.000 hours level of excellence?
Click on calculate >> practice
Fill in 3 hours, 7 days/week and 52 weeks. You will find it would take you 9.2 years.